Apples · Blackberries · Dessert · England

Easy Stewed Apples and Blackberries (no added sugar)

I don’t know if it’s been the weather or just the stage of life I’m currently in, but there are so many blackberries this year! We literally have to walk 10 metres from our house and can pick whole tubs full, and the kids love it, even if they eat more than they put in the tub 🙂 Blackberries freeze well, as would this recipe, so we’re going to make the most of the free berries and pick away to our hearts content!

I find that stewed fruit and compotes can be overly sweet, so here I’ve added absolutely no sugar, and you know what, it’s delicious and the boys love it. I urge you to try it and hopefully you’ll be converted to the no sugar fruit stew crew too 🙂

This would be delicious served warm with yoghurt, custard or in a low sugar oaty crumble.

Makes 400g (enough for 1 crumble, or 4-6 servings with custard/yoghurt)
Prep time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 30 mins

300g blackberries
3 large or 4 small eating apples, cored and thinly sliced
350ml water
Knob of butter
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla essence

1. Melt the butter in medium saucepan and then add the apples and fry for a minute or so to coat them.
2. Add the blackberries, water, cinnamon and vanilla essence and bring to the boil.
3. Turn right down to low and let simmer gently for about 30 minutes, until the fruit is soft and the water has almost completely evaporated.

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